When publication is an act of bravery

Kudos to Lily Wolkoff, a graduating student in the History program, who has just published an essay titled Israel’s Counterterrorism to the Palestinian Liberation Organization During the First Intifada in The General: Brock University Undergraduate Journal of History. At the Celebration of Student Excellence event Lily gave a brief presentation of her essay to the audience of about 60 people. In the true spirit of Surgite!, Lily conveyed how it felt to talk about it in the current situation and about experiencing antisemitism at Brock. She spoke with courage, and received applause from the audience.

Congratulations to Lily!

Israel’s Counterterrorism to the Palestinian Liberation Organization During the First Intifada

Lily Wolkoff


This paper delves into the multifaceted Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically the First Intifada, where the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) orchestrated terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and the government. The Intifada, characterized by civil disobedience, boycotts, and stone-throwing, prompted Israel to implement a strict military response. This essay scrutinizes Israel’s counterterrorism strategies during the First Intifada, evaluating their effectiveness in addressing the challenges posed by Palestinian nationalist groups. Despite the temporary containment of the First Intifada, Israel’s tactics proved inadequate in addressing long-term threats, exemplified by the emergence of the terrorist militant group Hamas. The study assesses the historical dynamics of the First Intifada and focuses on its lasting impact, notably the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993. These accords marked a shift in the conflict’s trajectory, establishing the Palestinian Authority and initiating official peace talks. The essay concludes by examining the contemporary challenges posed by groups like Hamas, highlighting the imperative for Israel to adapt its counterterrorism measures to navigate the intricate landscape of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict effectively.


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